Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lol! L8r. ur, u2, rofol! OMG! bff, TTYL? WTF?

I'm about to rant about text language so if you are a user of any abbreviations you need to pay special attention to how dumb you sound. No, seriously though.... WTF is up with text lingo? Are you really that busy that you can't add a couple extra strokes to make actual words? LOLers are the biggest annoyances. Are you really laughing out loud? or is it more of a quiet giggle inside? Maybe QGI is more fitting than Lol. And, am I really that funny that I have you rollling on the floor laughing, or you are laughing out loud every single text that is sent? Or, are you just that uninventive to express your entertainment in the conversation that lol is the only thought you can muster? Oh, I just got it-I'm that funny that all you can think are those three letters. From now on I'll take it as a huge compliment instead of it being totally annoying that you can't answer a single text without LOL included. But, what is the excuse for all the others used? Has the fact that you have graduated from middle school and have learned how to spell and use your words escaped your mind? Do we need an English teacher to sit and critique every text you send? The whole reason of text is to communicate..... so, please, let's communicate. I don't want to have to read another language and have to translate it into English.


Mrs. Ordinary said...

LMAO! LOL...literally.

BTW, this is P not J.

Jennifer said...

WICO. Your blog is making me WWIU. I have never been so GGOL in my life. The one time I FO you catch me. And I totl-E concur.