Second star to the left and straight till morning.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Shopping for Sanity
Well, by the title of this post you may have your guesses where I'm gonna take this frustrations and peeves with fellow shoppers. I went to Costco today. I love Costco! I can't get enough of it. I'd live in the store if they'd allow it. My frustrations begin starting at the fuel pump. I look down at my gas gauge this afternoon and realize that it's time. So, I pull into the parking lot, take all the back routes to avoid people; it works. I beat out everyone else who was headed in that direction. As I pull up there is a vehicle leaving, he's parked in front of another car that has just pulled in. A Grandma fumbling to pull her cards out and get everything in order. So, I pull forward slide back into position. Just as my pump finished and clicked into gear I look and see Grandma getting into her Camry. As I put my cap on I notice that she has backed up as though she's going to go forward. Well, this is where it all happens. She sees that I'm finished and getting into my car. So, she appears like she is going to do the smart thing and wait so she doesn't have to do the tricky tricky to get around my car. Well, that's not the smart thing to her, obviously. As I put my car in gear and roll a bit, Grandma decides that it's now the perfect time to jet out and around. Not gonna lie, I'm confused why she waited so long to do that. I mean, What was the point in waiting for me to completely finish before you cut in front. She then jets down the aisle to find a parking spot. I was gonna go down that aisle and had my blinker on, but Grandma cuts me off. Go for it dear, it's all yours. So, I go down the next aisle over and find a close spot right off the bat. I look over and Lady is 4 spots farther back than I am still waiting. Now Grandma, I appreciate you and your dashing out in a mad hurry, otherwise I would have gone down that aisle and I'd be waiting for a spot instead of getting right in. So, I go inside. I'm not too far in when I really start to get peeved. I go and look at some of the clothing. This Lady has stopped and is looking at the next table over; with her cart totally blocking the aisle. Now, I realize this is Costco and there are many many exciting things to see. But, I don't get how you can just stop without any thought to foot traffic around you. So, I quietly brush past her cart. Well, Lady has seen this and gives me a huge stinky crusty for moving her cart two inches so I can get by. Lady isn't even attached to her cart, so it doesn't bother her physical person at all. But, she was appalled at the gall that I had in moving her cart so I can sneak past. Well, I make my way down aisles trying to be considerate of the others around me. I'm making efforts not to be an obstacle they have to get past. I even pull over to the side as I see a group of four burly Dudes walking 4 abreast down the aisle (and not notice that people are trying to get by because they are checking me out...annoyance is not a good start Dudes). Now, the appallation hasn't really started just yet. Samples. Why do samples charge people up into their dumbest most inconsiderate self? They were sampling ready made philly cheesesteak sammies today. I normally don't bother if there isn't a sample ready to go. Or, if there is a line of any sort. But, I really wanted to taste this product before I purchased (delightful, just so you know. There was one good thing about the trip.) So, there is a man and his wife with a small child in the cart that had been waiting at least 5 minutes. I was browsing down an aisle or two before they were pulling them out of the cooker. Well, Sampleman pulls out the sammies out of the cooker and Guy and Kid jump in front of Patient Family and steal their samples out of their hands. Guy and Kid were no where near the scene except to rudely jump and grab the slice out the Family's hand. I couldn't believe it. So, I head over to the produce in search of nectarines. I see Woman approach them a split second before I do. Woman must have played some mean basketball, back when it was invented, because she had totally blocked out everyone from those nectarines. 5 minutes she was there. 5 minutes! To pick out some nectarines. What can you really be doing for 5 minutes with a nectarine container?! She was acting like they hadn't seen one another in years and needed to stop and catch up. She couldn't miss out on a single thing. She was the freaking nectarine whisperer. For 5 minutes! I wandered over to the plums next to the nectarines to see if I could get her to scootch for a bit and I could quickly grab a container while she continued with her micro inspection of every single nectarine on the pallet. No, she didn't scootch. I waited at least 2 more minutes for Woman to grab her nectarines and move enough for me to get in there. Then I go into the produce cooler. I need raspberries. Quick in and out. So, I put my cart in the corner out of the way so that traffic will not be impeded while I pick up a clamshell. Well, I go to grab my cart and get out, but I can't 3 Old Bags have blocked in my cart and are perusing the peppers. Now, I understand the need to pick out good produce. But, 2 things. #1, Costco is really great at keeping up on pulling bad produce out. #2, does it really take 3 years to pick out a thing of peppers, and do you really need to block everyone in the process? So, I decide after the produce incident I'll go get some yogurt-a calm aisle. Well, as I'm getting over to the yogurt aisle I see an Orange Juice Sampler at the head of the aisle. I'm planning on steering clear. No one is there so it should be easy to maneuver around. Wrong. Ma'am decides she wants a sample. So, she cuts in front of me and goes in for the sample. Now, this wasn't just a grab and go like most. No, Ma'am has decided that she's gonna turn this into a regular wine tasting. She stops, she smells, she swirls, she sips, and she looks to the heavens to contemplate the tastes of Kirkland Signature O.J. Now, why is this a problem? Because Ma'am is totally oblivious to anyone around her and has just totally held up all flow of shoppers while she has her out of body tasting experience. Finally she moves and we all resume shopping. After that I decided I needed to get out of the store. And, I can't imagine what it would have been like if it were a busy day. I am totally baffled at the complete lack of consideration for anyone else in the world. Or, maybe it's not lack of consideration, maybe they really are unaware that this is not their own private store. I just couldn't believe it. I am continually making a conscious effort not to be that person, so I just couldn't get over how many there were in one place at the same time today. The only thing that redeemed this trip is that Receipt Marker Chick was very nice and totally polite. It was a very sweet note to a very bitter trip.
1 comment:
I go through these same emotions every time I go to Costco. It's like the wild west--every man for himself, and no rules apply.
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