So the other night I was on my way up to Park City, UT. Along the way I passed through
Heber. I love
Heber. As I was trucking along at a whopping 37mph I passed the
Maverik happens to be one of my favorite gas stations. Not only do they have the cheapest gasoline prices but they also have stellar hot chocolate, chocolate donuts, frozen yogurt and a catchy little slogan- "Adventure's first stop." Exciting, I know.

It draws me in every time. Anyway, back to the story. As I passed the gas station I glanced over at their marquee to see what price they were boasting for gas, that's when I saw it. The
advertisement that gave me one of the best ideas I've had. They were advertising any size
Icee for $.99. I've been on a craze lately where I can't get enough
slushies, so of course I got excited and my mind started to reel in the
possibilities of a $.99
Icee of any size. Now, I know that the largest size they offer is more than enough to satiate my craving but true to form I needed to scheme up the best and biggest possible scenario. A 5 gallon bucket of
Icee?! And, better yet... for $.99!!!I was skeptical, but thought it would be fun and totally awesome to go for it. Well, I decided to continue on my way to PC so that I could get back up for my plan.
After much deliberation and persuading. Okay, mainly persuading I convinced Lee that this was a brilliant idea and that there would be no regrets. Step 1 of my plan was complete...convincing the opposed. On to step 2. We had to
retrieve a container that would hold an outlandish amount of
Icee. This was an especially heinous part of the trek... we had to run the gauntlet of
WalMart, aka the
Mexica Villa... normally not an issue. But, this is prime time Swine Flu with Park City shutting down all sorts of public gatherings. Could we obtain the
chalice and get out unscathed by the filthy swine? While running the gauntlet we decided that a 5 gallon bucket maybe a little overkill...especially since we didn't know how much those machines can hold so we stuck with a 2 gallon canister. Step 3, and the most important... the execution of the plan. As we drove up I was super nervous that the deal would only be at the
Maverik in
Heber. We're in Park City now and this is a whole new ball game....much to my delight the deal was company wide. I wish I had a camcorder for this part because it truly was spectacular. We walk in and I head straight for the
Icee machine, passing the middle aged Asian lady at the

counter. Lee walks through the store searching for food and providing a great distraction. I filled the container with Watermelon
Fanta and Coca Cola flavors. As I walked away the machine started to make the most awful noise because I'm pretty sure it hasn't had that much action in...ever. As I walked away the lady looked at the machine like it was going to blow, and that's exactly how it sounded (it didn't, well at least not while we were there). We get up to the check out counter and Lee puts his dinner selection (donut holes) on the counter. Ms. Asia rings it up and asks if that is all. I motion to my hand and say, "Oh, some
Icee too." Her eyes get wide, she gets an annoyed look on her face. She asks how big of a container we have. Lee says something about the fact that they advertise that all sizes are only $.99. Ms. Asia gives a look like, "you're serious? You really think that is what we meant?" Then informs us that it was a refill container and that they charge differently for refills. As we were finishing up checking out she asked if we were having a party. She didn't believe us when we told her that we were having a party with just the two of us, because why would two people need 2 gallons of slush? We ended up being charged $5 for 2 gallons of
Icee and one of the most awesome adventures I've had at a
Maverik. We went home and enjoyed the frozen goodness. This is one thing that I will forever laugh about, and thought I'd share it with my 2 faithful followers.
You sure enjoy busting people's balls.
Which one of those switches in your brain is it that forces you to make a mockery of the slushie system?
And why didn't you share?
You are crazy. Maybe we need to go to maverik when I arrive. Of course I would probably wait in the car because I am not brave like you.
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