It started out very interesting and very Alaskan. My plane ride from Seattle to Juneau was as normal. Sit down to a very scraggly looking middle aged man. He looks like he's a local, zonked out and upset that someone is sitting down next to him. I'm hoping that he will just go back to sleep and that the flight will go smoothly without either one of us noticing the other again. Boy was I wrong. Turns out he wasn't a local. He was a very excited first timer....Meaning, his first time to AK. Going up for a fishing trip. He was very talkative, and one of those that takes up the whole arm rest and into your space... I ignored it and tried to talk pleasantries. Which, I did very well. Until I decided that I was through. Then I pulled out my computer, plugged in my
headphones and started a movie. I hoped this would signal him to go back to sleep. No, I was wrong again. He decided it was a good time to watch my movie with me. Without sound. So, the next 2 hours were spent with him watching my computer alongside me. Awkward. I mean, am I supposed to offer him one of my earbuds? I didn't. Anyway, we landed. He had another flight to catch so I started to walk out of the terminal. This is when he decided to ask me all about my plans. I gave him the quick answer of: "I'm not really sure. I never plan while I'm here. It's kinda the beauty of Alaska, the less you stress the more things work out to be awesome." At this point I bid him farewell, but not before I noticed that he was a near midget. How did I not notice this before? I mean, the only time I would ever want to be a midget is on an airplane. Think of all the extra leg room.

Well, the ride to Whitney's was glorious. Driving down the channel, reliving a thousand
memories. Resmelling the awful low tide smell. It was great. Juneau had barely changed. It's still the town that I love so much. And made even sweeter when I was greeted by both Whit and Nate, "Holy crap! You're so tan!" I love those two even more after that :) Oh, I forgot to mention a very happy moment as I was pulling up to Whitney's house. Pulling up this hugely steep hill and I looked over to the right and there I saw him. He was just sitting there. Sad. Lonely. Blue. Lil Blue that is. After spending all last summer looking for him I just stumbled upon him this summer. Still with our same plates and our pirate sticker that we got for our birthdays. Oh, I have missed Blue.

Other loves I revisited. Chan's Thai Kitchen. Oh, I couldn't even wait 24 hours to go. I went. I ate. I loved. I can't believe I only went once while I was there. I probably would have gone every
night had I had any mobility other than my two feet. Mendenhall Glacier. It's still there!! As beautiful as ever. Whit and I made my favorite hike up to the glacier. As we crawled into the ice caves I realized they were the best I had seen yet. They were enormous. One cave opened up into the next and the next and the next. You could pretty much walk under the entire glacier down to the lake. But, we didn't. We were both a little too afraid of them caving in on us. Is that really a problem you ask? Well, I'll tell you this much, while we were filling up our water bottles with delicious glacial serum several ice chunks fell and hit us. After a few we both gave each other the eye to get out as quick as possible. Still, one of the most awe inspiring sights and places I have ever been.

It was a quick trip, even quicker than I had planned. See, everyone was out of town the same time I was in town, and if they weren't out of town they were all working. So, I had a few fun filled, tourist days and decided I'd come home a little earlier than planned. So, I packed up took the city bus (in Juneau it's pretty scary) and headed for the airport. I got on my stand by flight to Seattle no problem. The flight was about 75% full, so I had plenty of space all around me. Well, I got to Seattle with about 25 minutes to make my connection. I booked it. I had to get from D gates to the S gates. I made it!!! When I got there I ran up told them I was here hoping to get on the flight. She looked at me, smiled, gave me a piece of paper, and told me it wasn't gonna happen. A little upset that I ran all the way there when I could have walked I went to pick out a seat to settle down in. I hear a voice talking to me saying, "you're not getting out of here. Heck, I'm not getting out of here." I look over and it's one of my co workers. He's stuck also. Now, he has a few years seniority on me and knows how to work his way through the system. So, I figure if he's given up hope so should I. A few minutes pass, he comes over and tells me he has booked a flight through another airline for only $40. He's out of there. What?! How did he do that? (I still don't know the answer, because when I asked him how he told me it wasn't worth me
trying...the douche.) So, I spent the night in SEATAC. Now, I was totally okay with this because I have never spent the night in an airport. I've always felt it was something I needed to do. So, I did. I didn't realize how dead it really would be. It was me and about 3 workers for a good chunk of the night. I mean, there were a few red eye flights... but those leave around 1 and after that there's nothing. So, I did it. Mission accomplished! I'm a veteran traveller now. Anyway, next morning I got on the first flight, first class. So after making small talk with the man next to me, I crashed (not literally. You would have heard about it had I really crashed.) I slept the entire flight. Ah, it was glorious. So, there is my quick trip. It was quick, but it was overall a success.

P.S. I did take a few more photos, but since my camera either got stolen or lost I do not have any more. These are all crap shots I took with my phone. Thank goodness for that :)