October has a fun and kinda eventfulish month. Okay, no events just fun, and only parts of it have been fun. I decided to do a photo update of the month of scarefests. I tried time and time again to carve my traditional pumpkin. It took until the last day of the month to carve it. Which, I kind of enjoyed the whole thing as a halloween night deal. I debated long and hard on what design to do, but i decided to go with easy and traditional this year. I'll start working on next year's designs.

The night before halloween I went to a dance with Lee and Duke. I'm the sports fanatic in the middle. Psyche! thanks for the set up. Upon coloring my hand with a highlighter early this September I realized the genius behind my halloween costume... An Oompa Loompa. So I thought it out many many times and I was able to create quite the costume. It was a total hit. Hundreds of people (or tens) commented on how great it was. I put all the other Oompas to shame. Lee went as a University of Montana sports fanatic, and Duke went as SemiPro.

Just the week before Halloween Lee and I decided to go to the BYU v. TCU game. I told him the only way I would go to the game was if we could paint our faces. So we both sported the colors... not the colors we wanted to, but Dad would only give us the tickets if we would cheer for the Y. The game was a disgrace and we both wanted to remove our paint almost as soon as the kick off was through. BYU didn't show up for the game and as fans we shouldn't have either.

Lee got his design inspiration from a skeleton. Not even a week later he did sport his true colors the Maroon and Silver of UofM. He was way more happy to paint his face for the halloween costume rather than the BYU game.

Other events of October. Phineas had his first birthday. Jennifer and I spent the week searching out jungle animals for his sweet birthday cake. There was a carport beach theme. He was the happiest 1 year old ever. He had such a good time that day and knew that it was his day. Then the next day Lee, Jennifer, Phineas, Justin and I went to the zoo and looked at all the baby animals, where afterwards he enjoyed his first piece of pizza. The next week after that Michelle came from CA and we spent the weekend out at Spring Haven. Good times! I miss Spring Haven and I miss Michelle.
Well, those are the highlights of the month. Nothing too exciting and worth reading. Or even worth posting. But it happened and that is that.