So Lee came to visit me this past week. We did several very fun and memorable things (I think so, he may have been bored out of his mind, but he's a boy so what does he know:). A few of the awesome things we were able to do I'll post up here. We started out with an awesome dinner and then ran out to a place called Lena Point for one of the spectacular sunsets here. Whitney, Lee and I sat there on the cliffs overlooking the sea and watched the 10:30pm sunset. It was awesome. We watched for whales too, but didn't see any wild life besides a seal that kept poking his head around. Then the next day we got up early and went for a helicopter ride. This was awesome. The weather was spectacular and we were able to get up and see the glacier and also the Juneau Ice Field. The ice fields are only accessible when the weather is the clearest and the sunniest. And we scored big that day, and even got to do snow angels in July! We also were able to get out on a whale watching tour. Anything you can hope for in a whale watch we were able to see. A sweet humpback full breach. I saw that sucker from head to tail completely out of the water. It was a baby, and was still larger than a full size truck. It was phenomenal. Then we were lucky enough to see a pod of orca. So rare, and something I've been waiting to see for two summers now! Then we also saw bubble net feeding. It's a learned behavior that whales only do here in Alaska. The mate down in HI and then make their way up here where they bubble net feed....translation-12 whales in a circle jumping out lunge feeding at the same time. It was amazing. We spent a lot of time eating, every restaurant that I love we went to, and then we spent a lot of time laughing. He was lucky enough to ride along with me on my tours for 2 full days. That was the biggest treat of them all. You all could have this amount of fun too, with the low low price of coming and visiting :)