Really, if the header doesn't ward you off reading this one I hope that this first sentence will. I have no particular or organized thoughts today, I'm just bored and felt like sitting and writing something on my blog. Since it is my blog I decided that this was perfectly okay and allowed and anyone who objects may hit the X button in the top right of the screen and forget about ever reading my blog again. If that pertains to you, you are disinvited from my blog forever.
Since Christmas I've bee

n working a TON of hours. I've been working two jobs. My days start at 5 am and often don't end until after midnight, 7 days a week. I've had little time to do anything but work. I've loved it. It's given me a much needed and wanted break and excuse (I know most people don't look for excuses to not hang out with the people they call friends, but I'm not most people, I'm Rebecca) from a social life that I was getting bored with.
So, this morning I woke up and looked at the day ahead of me at work. Well, work is dismally slow today and so when I called up my boss he told me to "go ahead and work from home today." My first thoughts were "Saweeet! Day off, I can run and frolic!" quickly followed by, "Oh crap, this is the second week in a row that my hours have been seriously cut, this is for sure going to show in my pay check." (Well, maybe that second thought was the exact thought, but for readers sake this one makes more sense and is just all around more reader friendly than the real thought.) With the time cru

nch the past few months I have had no time to sit and catch my breath, so this free morning has left me bored and totally lost. What do people do with all this free time? I don't think it's enough time to really go and do anything. It's for sure not enough time to travel any where to see anything. It's more time than it would take to watch a movie (then I'd be two hours down and still have to fill more, but a more awkward amount of time). I could read, but it has been so long since I've picked up a book I think I have forgotten how. If I had the patience

I could do a puzzle (ha, I scoff at the thought with me and patience) Ah, I can bake something, but then I would eat it and we all know that I do not need that right now. I could volunteer somewhere, but I don't know where and by the time I research it enough my time is up on this one time free time. So, instead of going out and doing something I enjoy or something that is productive and helpful to society I sit here blogging. Yes, I know-I've becom

e a ridiculous person that has nothing better to do in my free time besides sitting and blogging.
Anyway. Weird, when I signed on to start this page I had no idea where I was going to go with this post. It actually had a little bit of organized thought and I'm not too terribly ashamed of it-I do still believe it was not worth your time to read, and if you made it to this point I'm guessing that you too have too much free time on your hands this morning and you too were looking for something to fill it. If that is the case, I suggest one of the aforementioned time killers. I am off to go bake something. Ah, the joy of killing some time deciding what to bake in this one time freedom from work!!!