Okay, so I had a messenger coversation with a good friend of mine who I once upon a time dated. We started talking about dating. The conversation had a very interesting take on the different perspectives of the dating world. Two single post college individuals. Me, and a male friend we will refer to as McLovin from now on. Now many may think this is boring but I was laughing at the whole thing so I decided to post it, cause it's my post and I can cry if I want to. I did do a little editing for readers' sake and for the sake of the innocent. Also, this conversation was over mobile messenger so there are a few text typos.
Death Eater One says:
well, whatev. i'm done with people and relationships
McLovin says:
Lol not a bad plan
Death Eater One says:
yeah. They only ever cause trouble and heartache
I know.... But, how many dates have you been on lately?
McLovin says:
But then you are like what is my problem
McLovin says:
I have blown off girls hotter then here i am ten times better
McLovin says:
In every way
McLovin says:
Who cares
McLovin says:
I dont have to go on a date to know women are interested in me
Death Eater One says:
No, I'm not saying that at all
Death Eater One says:
I'm just saying.... I have been on too many ridiculous dates and seriously, there are few that are actually worth keeping around
McLovin says:
I dont go on dates i go to activities where i get attention
McLovin says:
The last official string of dates i went on was
McLovin says:
In july
Death Eater One says:
oh, so you don't have to get to knowthe girls. they just see you and give you an ego boost?
McLovin says:
The girl was hot but i smoker i dumped on her
McLovin says:
I would not say that
McLovin says:
Its not like i am using a girl like i think i could have this chick its alike
McLovin says:
I have a social life
Death Eater One says:
i c
McLovin says:
Thus i am an eligible bachelor
McLovin says:
And besides dates are a bad way to get to know people anyway
McLovin says:
Because they put a face on
Death Eater One says:
yeah, but If I don't go on dates with a guy he automaticaly goes into the friend zone
McLovin says:
You see how someone inter acts with others
Death Eater One says:
You can do that after some dates
McLovin says:
For you or for him
McLovin says:
No you cant
McLovin says:
You are not looking at it from a guys perspective
McLovin says:
Granted it took me till like six months ago to figure this out
Death Eater One says:
That's cause I'm a girl, if you haven't noticed
McLovin says:
But its a fact
McLovin says:
If a guy asks a girl out
McLovin says:
He has already played his hand
McLovin says:
She knows he is into him
McLovin says:
Death Eater One says:
why is that a bad thing?
Death Eater One says:
A date tells nothing
Death Eater One says:
only whether or not you'd like to play another round
McLovin says:
Then he is another notch on your belt
Death Eater One says:
so not true
McLovin says:
To you because you are insecure
McLovin says:
Its true
McLovin says:
If a guy has spent money on a date he is already pretty commitde to play another sound
McLovin says:
Unless you do something atrocious
McLovin says:
Death Eater One says:
Na, I don't think so. I think a date is just two people realizing they want to see if there is any potential.
Death Eater One says:
Nothing more nothing less
McLovin says:
You just need to be a little cock i e r and decid you can do better them that guy and blow him off
McLovin says:
Thats because your a girl
McLovin says:
A mormon girl
Death Eater One says:
its not about doing better. Everyone has things to give. It's about finding the best fit and complimenting each other
Death Eater One says:
what's that got to mean?
McLovin says:
McLovin says:
It means you are being naive and narrow minded
McLovin says:
You have a million guys ask you out on dates
McLovin says:
But you blow them all off
McLovin says:
What percent do you think would go on a second date
Death Eater One says:
probably half warrant a second date to see if I want to get to know them more
Death Eater One says:
then probably half of that get a third date
Death Eater One says:
and then probably a tenth of that get more dates
McLovin says:
See if you are smart you should know the answer to vigor questions before you waste time with a date that is my opinion
McLovin says:
Lets look at it from a guy perspective again
Death Eater One says:
See, you brought the point up ealier though....people all interact with different people totally differently. Why not give it a shot to see how we interact?
McLovin says:
If i can get to know you figure out if you like me without risking ego or finances am i gonna do that
Death Eater One says:
That's the problem....ego has to be taken out of relationships if anything is gonna work
Death Eater One says:
that is the one thing that I know for sure
McLovin says:
Yeah right it does
McLovin says:
Look at it this way
McLovin says:
I am hanging out an activity
McLovin says:
Or you
Death Eater One says:
McLovin says:
There is a girl or guy there you are interested in
Death Eater One says:
okay, got it
McLovin says:
If they spend there time chasing someone else in the group you know where you stand
McLovin says:
If they chase you
McLovin says:
Same picture
McLovin says:
To a point
Death Eater One says:
McLovin says:
If you go on a date right away
McLovin says:
You do not glean that information
Death Eater One says:
Uh, yeah you do cause you're on a date with them
McLovin says:
Because there is no competition
Death Eater One says:
it's better than them chasing whoever at the party
McLovin says:
No you dont
McLovin says:
You are there the only one there
Death Eater One says:
You skip the chasing at the party stage
McLovin says:
I take you on a date prior to that point
McLovin says:
And you dont know
McLovin says:
If i am taking someone else out
Death Eater One says:
You already know that your interested in each other because you are on a date together
McLovin says:
Death Eater One says:
Exclusivity doesn't matter
Death Eater One says:
see, the way I see it......
McLovin says:
In this whole
McLovin says:
Date thing
Death Eater One says:
You got yourself hurt and now you have decided not to chance anything else until you know she's the right one
McLovin says:
When you look at social
Death Eater One says:
but, ifyou sit and wait at parties until you know she is the right one then you have probably already lost her
McLovin says:
You have it backwards
Death Eater One says:
cause if she's worth having then someone else will have already swooped in and gotten her
Death Eater One says:
oh really?
McLovin says:
You dont wait at a party
McLovin says:
Nope you have to be the alpha male
McLovin says:
If you are the one getting the attention she is not getting swooped
McLovin says:
Off her feet because she is giving you the attention
Death Eater One says:
but if you wait to know she's the one....you've already lost her by waiting
McLovin says:
The idea that you are going to lose someone to them
Death Eater One says:
girls are impatient
McLovin says:
Getting swooped off there feet by someod else
Death Eater One says:
I'm not saying swooped off their feet.
McLovin says:
That concept is inherenty insecure
Death Eater One says:
I'm saying someone is going to come in and get to know her and ask her out. Forgoing the whole game that you have created
McLovin says:
They are impatient
McLovin says:
But as long as there is progress
McLovin says:
So your saying that someone is going to look at the ward list
McLovin says:
Decide she is got
McLovin says:
And ask her out
McLovin says:
Over me who has got to know her and made her comfortable with me
McLovin says:
In a non threatening environ ment first
McLovin says:
You are sadly mistaken barring the guy
McLovin says:
Is much better looking then me
McLovin says:
But if she goes after the much better looking guy
McLovin says:
She is not the kind of girl you want anyway
McLovin says:
Does that make sense
McLovin says:
McLovin says:
Lets examine for a moment the guy that swoops in and asks a girl ou t on a date
McLovin says:
Not only has he played his cards with that girl
McLovin says:
He just played his cards with the whole social circle
McLovin says:
So the girls in the circle say well he asked her out so a he is taken and b i am number two on the list
McLovin says:
So he just soiled the whole batch assuming he does not sink a whole in one
McLovin says:
Make sense
Death Eater One says:
Yeah, but- see......there does have to be progress
Death Eater One says:
and, if you sit and make very little progress then she's gonna lose her interest
Death Eater One says:
But, if you get to talking to her at one little gathering and then decide to ask her out you are keeping yourself far ahead of the game
McLovin says:
So you face book her you text her whatever
Death Eater One says:
Or, you could take her on a date and see way quicker if there is anything there
Death Eater One says:
If you were interested enough to talk to her at the party the date isn't going to be bad
McLovin says:
Let her know hey maybe i am interested but you have competition
McLovin says:
Death Eater One says:
I do think that you need to have some back ground on the girl before you ask her out. developed something. But then take her out
McLovin says:
You are not getting the point
Death Eater One says:
How is this all working out for you?
McLovin says:
Girls want guys to play there cards right away
Death Eater One says:
cause I'm seeing this from a girls perspective
Death Eater One says:
why not?
Death Eater One says:
no guess work
Death Eater One says:
that just leads to miscommunications and misunderstandings
Death Eater One says:
if you play your cards then the game is over and you can move on
McLovin says:
Guys learn to not give girls what they want or they get
McLovin says:
McLovin says:
The game is not over
Death Eater One says:
well you can't propose marriage or even a relationship after the first date
McLovin says:
The game is still being played the woman has all the cards
Death Eater One says:
neither party is going to accept. It's still way too early
McLovin says:
Trust me
McLovin says:
The first date is just the beginning of the game
Death Eater One says:
You don't have to become exclusive, but actively seeing if you want to continue is necessary
Death Eater One says:
then you're dating stupid girls
McLovin says:
McLovin says:
All girls are stupid
Death Eater One says:
so, instead of spending your time talking to ridiculous girls at a party why don't you take a quality one out on a date?
McLovin says:
Part of it is dating hot girls they are more into the game then most
McLovin says:
Shrug i like the game
McLovin says:
I start dating a girl and if she is to easy i get bored
Death Eater One says:
Okay, so why are you complaining?
Death Eater One says:
Not all people are into the game
McLovin says:
Im not i am saying you need to play the game
Death Eater One says:
I'd rather do the date thing and get the cards and guess work out of the way. You don't have to wonder anymore. You can say-Yeah, we went out, didn't work. Let's go find a better fit
McLovin says:
Not look for a steady eating relationship out of the
McLovin says:
First date
Death Eater One says:
Believe me..... guys are ususally the ones that are ready to jump into a steady dating relationship from the first date
Death Eater One says:
guys are always the one that propose the next step to the relationship
McLovin says:
Thats because guys need to get laid
Death Eater One says:
some girls are ridiculous and think that a date means more than it does
Death Eater One says:
and, those are the girls that get caught up in the same game that you are talking about
Death Eater One says:
well, if they weren't so horny and they thought about things a little more with their big head they'd not have so many crash and burn sessions
McLovin says:
All girls get caught up in it
McLovin says:
New guy moves into my ward
McLovin says:
Med student intelligent good looking
Death Eater One says:
Not all girls get caught up in it
McLovin says:
Every girl in the ward starts chasing him
McLovin says:
He is the alpha male
McLovin says:
The girls are playing his game
McLovin says:
That is why guys need to have a booty call friend
McLovin says:
So when they go on a date they can act rationally
Death Eater One says:
So, you agree guys are irrational?
Death Eater One says:
they don't think through things and end up getting what they walked right into
McLovin says:
When they dont have control of their hormones
McLovin says:
McLovin says:
Well i know they irrational
McLovin says:
Beatse what i am saying works both ways
Death Eater One says:
Death Eater One says:
's hear this Dr. Phil
McLovin says:
The baptism i went to on saturday
McLovin says:
One of the alpha females shows up
McLovin says:
She has a ring of like six guys around her
McLovin says:
Guys are dumb they all go for the hottest girl
Death Eater One says:
I lost your point
McLovin says:
The point is guys and girls both play the game
McLovin says:
Works both ways
Death Eater One says:
So why not get the game out of the way and just see if it will work out?
McLovin says:
So guys are equally as irrational as girls
Death Eater One says:
There is no trying to read minds, there are no end left open
McLovin says:
Lol eventuckly you will understand
Death Eater One says:
Wait, you
Death Eater One says:
are saying that I am the one that will evolve into your mind frame?
McLovin says:
You probably will although girls are different but most guys will
Death Eater One says:
I don't know...... I'm all about no games.
Death Eater One says:
Boy likes girl, girl likes boy.....why play them against others? Why not just see how it works out? Maybe it will won't. But, maybe it will be the best thing ever
McLovin says:
So am i but eventually you learn you gotta play
McLovin says:
Anyway i am probaly boring you
Death Eater One says:
See, I dont' think you do. When a guy plays the game I realize we aren't compatible and we both move on cause he want to play and I'm not willing to play
McLovin says:
A guy playing the game right you wont know he is playing the game
McLovin says:
Anyway are you there
Death Eater One says:
But, the game will end and eventually people will realize they wasted a lot of time and thought with the game
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Scribbles of the idle minded...
Okay, so I just got back from my biggest adventure since I've been home. I went up to Idaho for the wedding of a best friend-the saddest news since I got home. RIP to you both. You are loved and you will be missed. Alas, the show must go on. The world of singledom will continue. We will recast and call back some of the old players see how they fit in with the new characters to create a stellar new cast for the new season.
Anyway, the wedding was normal. Bride, Groom, Flowers, Crazy Relatives, Drama, Female Best Man (Me). It had it all. Plus this weekend had the added benefit of a built in douche. A 6 hr. car ride with this individual too. When the ride was done and through I felt like I had just completed a task on a check list. Not able to escape from a nightmare....Check. I also did have the most spectacular game of bowling in an awesome Best Man's dress. I got up to bowl and next to me was the most stereotypical bowler/biker dude. Shirt sleeves ripped, arms bulging, gut busting open through a leather jacket. Spikes on his bracelet and the bowling bag he brought his Harley logoed shoes and ball in. Well, the dude gets up to bowl and makes like Twinkle Toes Fred Flintsone. He's awesome. So anxiously I get up next to the dude and start to bowl. I can feel his glare staring me down about to murderize me with just the look. Anyway I challenged him and I totally was able to get 6 Strikes with 3 Spares mixed in there. I beat him by 4 points!!!!!
Anyway, the wedding was normal. Bride, Groom, Flowers, Crazy Relatives, Drama, Female Best Man (Me). It had it all. Plus this weekend had the added benefit of a built in douche. A 6 hr. car ride with this individual too. When the ride was done and through I felt like I had just completed a task on a check list. Not able to escape from a nightmare....Check. I also did have the most spectacular game of bowling in an awesome Best Man's dress. I got up to bowl and next to me was the most stereotypical bowler/biker dude. Shirt sleeves ripped, arms bulging, gut busting open through a leather jacket. Spikes on his bracelet and the bowling bag he brought his Harley logoed shoes and ball in. Well, the dude gets up to bowl and makes like Twinkle Toes Fred Flintsone. He's awesome. So anxiously I get up next to the dude and start to bowl. I can feel his glare staring me down about to murderize me with just the look. Anyway I challenged him and I totally was able to get 6 Strikes with 3 Spares mixed in there. I beat him by 4 points!!!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Home Stretch
So, before I conclude this summer of adventure and awesomeness I need to touch up on one huge event while I was in Alaska.
Well, we found ourselves with a weekend off, a few extra dollars in our wallets (how? I have no idea) and a hookup with the local airline.
So Whit, Steve, Randy, Neal and I decided we needed to get out of Juneau. We booked a plane and flew up to Skagway-about 100 miles north of Juneau. Once there it was great. We had access to the rest of the world. We could drive and drive and drive. FANTASTIC!!!!! We had new found freedom and we needed to take advantage of that. Randy and Neal rented a car and off we went. Up to Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. New experience for all of us. None of us had been to the Yukon before and 2 of us had never been to Canada. We called ahead since none of us had anything to
cross the border with. They told us not to even try. We tried. And, succeeded. It was great. As soon as we crossed the border the skystarted to clear up and it turned into
blue skies and 80 degrees outside. Awesome. The White Pass was so gorgeous. When we were in Skagway we were the total and complete tourists that we all despise so much. We took as many stupid pictures as we could, acted as idiotic as possible (okay, just the pictures part was true). I also ate Caribou. It was delicious, and I would love to go back just to redo the experience. Well, as we drove home the clouds sunk in as we crossed back over the border.
As light as I felt before I felt equally heavy and bogged down by the return of the grung clouds. Aaaaaggggggh, it
was horrid to be back. Then, the flight back into Juneau topped things off. I was stuck again, I had just spent the most awesome weekend in the sun with my four favorite people in Juneau. It was spectacular.

Well, that having been said.....I'll start the end of the summer of AK. After a week long stint in Arizona Whit and I ended the Summer just as we started it. In the SLC airport nervous and anxious. The difference in the two was neither of us are excited to end it. Back to the world and life of the Utah bubble. Before we came back I did do round III of Hawley lake. And, just as spectacular and fun as the previous two rounds. It was a good transition stage. Sadly enough it wasn't enough of a stage to really fulfill the needs of our transition from Neverland. What's next on my adventure agenda? South America, Turkey, Mexico, India? Stay tuned for the next installment
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